Re: Time For New Security Package? (was Re: new iss stuff)

Gene Spafford (
Sat, 14 May 94 10:52:32 -0500

[Catching up on mail after being on the road...]

> ....  Second, Gene
> Spafford mentioned that he had someone already working on something like
> this, so I'd be careful not to duplicate effort.

Students in our COAST group are working on several projects related to
security, including advanced firewalls, intrusion detection work, and
penetration testing tools.  Although some of of this would fit in
nicely with an ISS/COPS/etc tool, we are not currently working on one.
We might do so in the future, provided we have students interested in
doing it, and sufficient additional external support to make it work.
Also, as I will be on sabbatical next year and traveling a lot (more)
in addition to my usual activities, and Simson and I are doing a major
revision of the Unix security book, it isn't clear how many new
projects I will be able to supervise...

Thus, if anyone is planning on building a new tool, don't hesitate on
our account!
